Welcome to 1BitPay API, you can use our API to manage transactions, automate signatures, manage assets, etc., and more functions will come soon.
Quick Start
Step by step
- Create an API Key, IP whitelist can be set as needed.
- Learn about API Authentication and General Info.
- Use Sandbox Environment for testing
- Access the interface of Get Rate and Create Order,Response to Order Callback.
- Download the PK Shard, Learn about the rules of the MPC Co-Singer Signature Algorithm.
- Read the list to be signed regularly, 2 minutes/time is recommended, and sign in time according to the actual situation.
- And regularly collect funds, it is recommended to 5 minutes / time
- After the test is completed, contact us to release the live.
- Demo
Create an API Key
Please log in to the merchant system, open "ApiKey" in the left navigation, click Add, and create an API Key. After the API Key is successfully created, you can use the API Key to access the 1BitPay API.
IP whitelist
If you set a whitelist when creating the API Key, when calling the 1BitPay API, only requests from the IP whitelist addresses you set are allowed.
API Authentication
- Merge public parameters with business parameters, remove Sign parameters, and empty parameters.
- After sorting the Keys of the parameter set according to ASCII, connect them with "=".
- Splice the concatenated string with the merchant's API Secret parameter.
- Make the generated string into 32-bit md5 (lowercase) to generate the parameter Sign.
Authentication example
- For example business parameters:
{ "orderNo": "Or12898771811", "name":"John Li" }
- Merge business parameters with public parameters and remove Sign to get the following results:
{ "orderNo": "Or12898771811", "name": "John Li", "TimeStamp": 1566781991111, "Nonce": "dnasja1N", "MerchantNo": "meraojiasdoa123", "Lang": "en", "SignType": "1", "ApiKey": "asdhuasdaosd" }
- After the Keys of the parameters are sorted by ASCII, the result obtained by connecting them with "=" is as follows:
ApiKey=asdhuasdaosd&Lang=en&MerchantNo=meraojiasdoa123&name=John Li&Nonce=dnasja1N&orderNo=Or12898771811&SignType=1&TimeStamp=1566781991111
- Assuming that API Secret=merasdasd, the result obtained in the previous step is stitched together with the API Secret to get the result as follows:
ApiKey=asdhuasdaosd&Lang=en&MerchantNo=meraojiasdoa123&name=John Li&Nonce=dnasja1N&orderNo=Or12898771811&SignType=1&TimeStamp=1566781991111merasdasd
- Perform md5 on the result obtained in the previous step to get the Sign result as follows:
md5(ApiKey=asdhuasdaosd&Lang=en&MerchantNo=meraojiasdoa123&name=John Li&Nonce=dnasja1N&orderNo=Or12898771811&SignType=1&TimeStamp=1566781991111merasdasd)
- Note that the last step is 32-bit lowercase md5
General Info
Base URL *
Public Parameters
The public request parameters are the request parameters that each interface needs to use. Each request needs to carry these parameters in order to initiate the request normally.The initial letters of the public request parameters are uppercase
,In this way, it is distinguished from ordinary interface request parameters, and public parameters need to be placed in the Header.
Parameters | Type | Description |
Nonce | Int | Random combination of 6 characters or numbers |
TimeStamp | Int | 13-digit millisecond-level timestamp |
MerchantNo | String | Merchant ID |
SignType | Int | The signature type to take. 1: MD5; 2: HASH; currently only supports MD5 |
Lang | Strng | language. en: English; zh: Chinese |
Sign | String | Signature value, see signature rule description for specific rules |
ApiKey | String | Merchant API Key |
Public Response
The public response parameters are as follows, code is the status code, data is the business response parameter, and message is the response result
Parameters | Type | Description |
code | Int | 200 Success, See status description for details |
message | String | Success |
data | Object | The specific business will display different data structures, please refer to the specific business for details |
Sandbox Url
Get Rate
HTTP Request
POST /api/otc/rate
Request Method
- Method: POST
- Content-Type: application/json
Query Parameters
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
cryptoCurrency | String | Y | Transaction currency |
legalCurrency | String | Y | Payment currency |
Request example:
Response Parameters
The data parameter is as follows:
Parameters | Type | Description |
buyRate | Decimal | The latest rate for buy orders |
sellRate | Decimal | The latest rate for sell orders |
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 200,
"message": "Success",
"data": {
Create Order
HTTP Request
POST /api/otc/create
Request Method
- Method: POST
- Content-Type: application/json
Query Parameters
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
userName | String | Y | User name |
areaCode | String | Y | User phone area code |
phone | String | Y | User phone number |
syncUrl | String | N | Synchronous callback address |
asyncUrl | String | N | Asynchronous callback address |
cryptoAmount | Decimal | Y | Buy or sell quantity |
cryptoCurrency | String | Y | Transaction currency |
legalCurrency | String | Y | Payment currency |
idCardType | Int | Y | Type of certificate. 1: ID card; 2: Passport |
idCard | String | Y | ID number |
kyc | Int | Y | KYC level, currently KYC level pass 2 |
merchantOrderNo | String | Y | Merchant order number |
orderType | Int | Y | Order Type. 1: buy ; 2: sell |
payWay | Int | Y | payment method. 1: bank card; 2: Alipay; 3: WeChat payment. User sell order currently only supports 1: bank card |
bank | String | N | Account opening bank for user's receiving payment, required for selling orders |
bankAccount | String | N | The user's receiving account, which is required for selling orders |
bankBranch | String | N | Account opening sub-branch for user collection |
h5 | Bool | Y | Cash register display type. true: mobile ; false: PC |
Request example:
Response Parameters
The data parameter is as follows:
Parameters | Type | Description |
url | String | Cash register address |
isNew | Bool | Is it a new order |
orderNo | String | Order number |
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 200,
"message": "Success",
"data": {
"url": "",
"isNew": true,
"orderNo": "335793449653514240"
Order Callback
HTTP Request:
POST asyncUrl
defined by the Create Order
Request Method
- Method: POST
- Content-Type: application/json
Query Parameters
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
status | Int | Y | Order status, -2: Matching failed; -1: Canceled; 9: Completed |
dealAmount | Decimal | Y | buy or sell amount |
merchantOrderNo | String | Y | Merchant order number |
orderNo | String | Y | 1BitPay order number |
orderType | Int | Y | Order Type. 1: buy; 2: sell |
signature | String | Y | Signature: See API Authentication for details |
Request example:
Response Parameters
The data parameter is as follows:
Parameters | Type | Description |
code | Int | 200 Success, other codes are considered failure |
message | String | Success |
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 200,
"message": "Success"
MPC Co-Signer
The full name of MPC is Secure Multi-Party Computation. Through MPC, the private key is available and invisible throughout the entire life cycle from generation, use, and storage. 1BitPay uses MPC technology to transform the traditional single private key into distributed private key sharding, which can effectively avoid the single-point risk brought by a single private key, realize the joint management of funds by multiple people in the team, and support social recovery. For detailed private key management scheme, please refer to Private key management.
Download the PK Shard
According to 1BitPay Private key management, after the user creates a wallet, the private key is divided into three parts, and the fragment 1 is stored in the user Device, PK Shard 2 is backed up to iCloud or Google Drive, PK Shard 3 is saved in 1BitPay SGX trusted server, when you need to use the MPC Co-Signer function, you need to apply for downloading the private key PK Shard in the merchant background -> ApiKey module, After the APP confirms the approval, it is allowed to download the encrypted private key fragment 1 stored on the user device.
Signature Algorithm
The parameters involved in the signature are as follows:
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
id | Int | Y | Pending signature list id |
from | String | N | Pending signature list fromAddress: Transfer-out address |
to | String | N | Pending signature list toAddress: transfer address |
value | String | N | Pending signature list amount: Transfer amount |
chainId | String | N | Pending signature list chainId: chainId |
status | String | Y | Sign status. 1: approved; 2: rejected |
Signature steps:
- Obtain the merchant MPC private key and download it from the merchant background
- Encrypt the string of the parameter JSON structure with the MPC private key.
- The signature parameter data generated in the previous step is passed to the apprvoe interface together with the business data for transaction signature
Signature example:
- For example, the json structure of the data signObject whose id is 1 is as follows:
signObject:{ "id":1, "from":"TGGh3cGp9P21Ebvg9JitjHoeJaKqrg3bRg", "to":"TFMQrPdFWuPzFRXb42sxB22ABCVL6xSopV", "value":"4.1", "chainId":"56", "status":1 }
- Convert the json structure in the previous step to json string to get signObjectString
signObjectString = toString(signObj)
- At this time, use the private key file to encrypt the signObjectString string to obtain data
import base64
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import padding
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import pkcs12
pfx_password = "1bitpay" + Merchant ID
srcSouse = "data to be encrypted"
with open("/1bitpay.pfx", "rb") as f:
pfx, *_ = pkcs12.load_key_and_certificates(, pfx_password.encode())
cipher = Cipher(algorithms.TripleDES(pfx[:24]), modes.ECB()).encryptor()
bytes = cipher.update(srcSouse.encode()) + cipher.finalize()
data = base64.b64encode(pfx.sign(bytes, padding.PKCS1v15(), pfx.private_bytes(
import java.crypto.Cipher;
import sun.misc.BASE64Encoder;
InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream("/1bitpay.pfx"); // Convert private key file to file stream
KeyStore store = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12", "BC"); // Define the key store
store.load(inputStream, pfxPassword.toCharArray()); // Load the private key, pfxPassword = "1bitpay" + merchant ID
PrivateKey privateKey = (PrivateKey) store.getKey("1BitPay", pfxPassword.toCharArray()) // Get the private key object
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(privateKey.getAlgorithm()); // Get the private key Cipher object
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, privateKey); // Initialize Cipher
byte[] bytes = cipher.doFinal(srcSouse.getBytes("UTF-8")); // start encryption
String data = encryptBASE64(bytes); // base64 encoding to get the signature string
Get list of pending signatures
HTTP Request
POST /api/transaction/pending
Request Method
- Method: POST
- Content-Type: application/json
Query Parameters
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
pageNum | Int | Y | Page number |
pageSize | Int | Y | Page size |
Request example:
Response Parameters
The data structure is as follows:
Parameters | Type | Description |
total | Int | The total amount |
list | List | Pending signature list |
The list structure is as follows:
Parameters | Type | Description |
id | Int | ID |
fromAddress | String | from Address |
toAddress | String | to Address |
amount | Decimal | Amount of the transaction |
chainId | String | Chain Id |
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 200,
"message": "Success",
"data": {
HTTP Request
POST /api/transaction/approve
Request Method
- Method: POST
- Content-Type: application/json
Query Parameters
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
id | Int | Y | Pending signature list id |
from | String | N | Pending signature list fromAddress: Transfer-out address |
to | String | N | Pending signature list toAddress: transfer address |
value | String | N | Pending signature list amount: Transfer amount |
chainId | String | N | Pending signature list chainId: chainId |
status | String | Y | Sign status. 1: approved; 2: rejected |
data | String | Y | Signature data, use private key shard for signing, refer to Signature Algorithm. |
Request example:
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 200,
"message": "Success"
Fund collection
HTTP Request
POST /api/transaction/assets/collect
Request Method
- Method: POST
- Content-Type: application/json
Query Parameters
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
isMain | Int | Y | Whether the collection is the main chain currency. 1: yes; 0: no |
data | String | Y | Signature data, use private key shard for signing, refer to Signature Algorithm. The encrypted parameters here are:{"isMain":1} |
Request example:
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 200,
"message": "Success"
MPC WaaS, coming soon!
The 1BitPay API uses the following error codes:
Error Code |
Meaning |
400 | Bad Request -- Your request is invalid. |
401 | Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong. |
403 | Forbidden -- The kitten requested is hidden for administrators only. |
404 | Not Found -- The specified kitten could not be found. |
405 | Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access a kitten with an invalid method. |
406 | Not Acceptable -- You requested a format that isn't json. |
410 | Gone -- The kitten requested has been removed from our servers. |
418 | I'm a teapot. |
429 | Too Many Requests -- You're requesting too many kittens! Slow down! |
500 | Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later. |
503 | Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later. |
50000 | Real name is not allowed to be empty! |
50001 | The API capability ID cannot be empty! |
50002 | Cell phone area code is not allowed to be empty! |
50003 | Mobile phone number is not allowed to be empty! |
50004 | Synchronous callback address is not allowed to be empty! |
50005 | Asynchronous callback address is not allowed to be empty! |
50006 | Both digital currency amount and fiat currency amount are not allowed to be empty! |
50007 | Digital currency type is not allowed to be empty! |
50008 | Fiat currency is not allowed to be empty! |
50009 | Certificate is not allowed to be empty! |
50010 | The document type is not allowed to be empty! |
50011 | KYC level is not allowed to be empty! |
50012 | Merchant ID is not allowed to be empty! |
50013 | Signature type is not allowed to be empty! |
50014 | Signature is not allowed to be empty! |
50015 | Merchant order number is not allowed to be empty! |
50016 | The order type cannot be empty |
50017 | apiKey is not allowed to be empty |
150017 | Incorrect order type |
150018 | The certificate type is incorrect |
150019 | Incorrect encryption rules |
150020 | The API capability ID does not exist |
150021 | The merchant has not activated this API capability, please contact customer service! |
150022 | The phone number is incorrect |
150023 | Incorrect KYC level |
150024 | Merchant API_KEY information does not exist |
150025 | Incorrect request signature |
150026 | Digital currency does not exist |
150027 | Digital currency has been banned from buying and selling coins |
150028 | Digital currency has been banned from buying coins |
150029 | Digital currency has been banned from selling coins |
150030 | Signature exception |
150031 | Trading currency pair does not exist |
150031 | The transaction volume is higher than the maximum transaction volume limit |
150032 | The transaction volume is lower than the minimum transaction volume limit |
150033 | Payment in fiat is disabled |
150034 | Payment fiat does not exist |
150035 | The customer has been disabled and cannot OTC |
150036 | The client has been blacklisted and cannot be OTC |
50037 | Cashier has expired |
50038 | Order creation failed, please contact the platform for processing |
50039 | Customer information does not exist |
50040 | Order fetching exception, please try again later |
50041 | The order status is incorrect, please contact the platform for processing |
50042 | The apiKey is incorrect |